Survey finds medical cannabis helps relieve pain in over 90% of arthritis patients

Survey finds medical cannabis helps relieve pain in over 90% of arthritis patients A new study has found anecdotal evidence that medical cannabis, including CBD, is helping relieve pain in arthritis sufferers. CreakyJoints, a part of the nonprofit Global Healthy Living Foundation, conducted a survey of more than 1,000 arthritis patients to “delve deeper into their usage of cannabis and CBD.”……

Top Ten Terpenes and their potential medicinal properties

Top Ten Terpenes and their potential medicinal properties Terpenes are the chemicals which give all plants their smell and taste Terpenes, like cannabinoids, have shown potential therapeutic properties Here are our Top Ten Terpenes and the potential uses they may have in health care Medical cannabis made national headlines in the UK last year. A lot of focus in the media was…