Welcome to the FAQ where you’ll find answers to your questions and helpful articles to guide you.
What is Cannabis Oil?
Cannabis oil is oil derived from the flowers of the Cannabis Sativa L plant , containing pure cannabinoids such as THC and CBD. For more information, visit our Cannabis Oil page.
Is Cannabis or Cannabis Oil Legal in the UK?
No. The British Government list cannabis as a Schedule 1 (no medicinal value) Class B drug and users and growers can face criminal prosecution (please see our Medical Cannabis Guidelines section).
What is CBD?
CBD is a cannabinoid occurring naturally both in marijuana and in hemp. For more information, visit our CBD page.
Is CBD Oil the same as Cannabis Oil?
No. “CBD oil” is oil made from the hemp plant containing the cannabinoid CBD , although a very healthy supplement, it contains minute amounts of CBD and no THC when compared to cannabis oil consequently it is neither as potent nor has the same medicinal benefits.
Where can I get access to Cannabis Oil?
Cannabis is medically available in 23 states of the USA, Canada, Uruguay , Isreal and decriminalised across much of Europe. (Please see our Legal Access page).
Will Cannabis Oil cure my Cancer?
There is enough evidence to suggest that Cannabis oil is the most effective and safest treatment for cancer either secularly or alongside conventional treatments, wether it can be called a “cure” yet is debatable as many of the people who have made testimonies to curing cancer have to remain on cannabis for life.
Can Medical Marijuana UK provide you with Cannabis or Cannabis extract medicine?
No. MMJUK cannot provide you with Cannabis or Cannabis Oil.
Can I make my own Cannabis Oil?
Cannabis is Illegal in the UK, however if you are in a state/country where cannabis is legal/lawful, yes you can make your own. It is a very simple process with plenty of information available on this website and elsewhere online. See our article on How to Make Cannabis Oil.