Can Cannabis Offer a New Hope to Arthritis Sufferers?
Belfast University launches study into the pain-relieving benefits of cannabis-based medication on Arthritis
- Belfast’s Ulster University is investigating the possible benefits cannabinoids can offer to sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis
- The research project will receive £250,000 funding
Irish researchers have launched an extensive new study last year to look into the pain-relieving effects of medical marijuana on various forms of arthritis.
Researchers at the Ulster University (UU) in Belfast are investigating the anti-inflammatory and medicinal properties of cannabis extracts (known as cannabinoids) and the possible benefits they may offer to rheumatoid arthritis or arthritis patients when used in medicines.
UU will work with pharmaceutical start-up GreenLight Medicines on the £250,000 project examine the effects of cannabinoids on the symptoms of people suffering from various forms of arthritis.
Founded in 2015 by Dr. James Linden in 2015, the research and development company (GreenLight) primarily focuses on uncovering the full potential of cannabis-based extracts, as a medicine to treat a multitude of diseases including epilepsy, arthritis, MS, and even cancer.
“I saw results very quickly. Within a matter of a couple of days I was able to stop the prednisone and ibuprofen.” – Katie Marsh
Explaining GreenLight’s studies with UU, Dr. Linden said: “We are studying several components of the cannabis plant which have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties.
“Specifically, we’re investigating the use of cannabis-based extracts that have been proven to reduce inflammation, and we wish to explore the full therapeutic potential of these molecules in relation to several inflammatory diseases.
“Ulster University is renowned for its reputation in biomedical sciences research and it has been incredibly supportive during our early development stage, with the researchers having an endless thirst to lead the way in many areas of research across a spectrum of diseases.”
Anecdotal evidence of medical marijuana successfully treating symptoms of arthritis has been reported from across the world. This clinical trial is now hoping to put some concrete evidence behind these claims and make some progress in our knowledge on how to best treat this debilitating disease.
Case studies such as that of American Katie Marsh have served as powerful testimonials to cannabis’ potential to offer relief to those suffering from various forms of the disease.
Speaking to Fox News, Katie explained that when her cannabis-infused juice was far more effective than her pharmaceutical medications:
“I white-knuckled it through the pain and only took painkillers when I absolutely needed them.
“It got so bad that I had trouble getting out of bed, getting off and on the toilet and even dressing.”
The difference that the medical herb made was amazing: “I saw results very quickly. Within a matter of a couple of days, I was able to stop the prednisone and ibuprofen.”
Arthritis is an uncomfortable and often unavoidable disease that often results in severe symptoms including:
- Persistent joint pain
- Locked joints
- Morning stiffness
- Injuries that don’t heal properly
- Carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathies (tingling or numbness in extremities)
- & Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the forefoot)
10 million people suffer from arthritis in the U.K. 10 million people could benefit from further research and easier access to cannabinoids. 10 million people are being unjustly prevented from having a choice in their medication.
Do you think that those suffering from arthritis should have the right to choose access to cannabinoids?
Do you use medical marijuana to treat symptoms of arthritis? Let us know in the comments!
I would much rather have something that’s gonna take away the pain as marijuana does verses the oxycodone I take that only takes the edge off the pain runs out in three hours and takes thirty minutes to start working. It’s a horrible cycle and Oxy is not good for the liver and kidneys. Why can’t I have the right to choose. It’s just not fair I hurt 24 hours day7 days a week where is the humanity in that. I have herenated discs pinched nerves neuropathy stenosis bone spurs on shoulders knees and feet and no joint fluid in my knees and get cortisone shots for some of that and arthritis and bursitis and solar plexus problems. All started I was allergic from the coloristic dye from a cat scan whiched caused full renal failure..I came home from the hospital with the neuropathy of a diabetic of 35 years. It’s unfair that most marijuana studies or medical marijuana states that don’t include chronic pain. I have friends with neuropathy and smoke it illegally and have no pain. So it’s just not fair.
I have Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis and fibromyalgia. I’ve recently started using legal Cbd oil it’s better than the parscription opiates I was talking but not as good as the full cannabis plant. My doctors don’t even know about Cbd oil and definitely don’t know about medical Mj. I find it very frustrating that the medical professionals are so narrow minded, and just seam to panic when I mention cannabis in any form… Please get this better known and hopefully legal to use for people suffering from medical problems. Many thanks josie x
I can take up to 8 30/500mg CO-CODAMOL a day for pail in my hips as I get inflammation in my musel and I do not like taking all that as I have crohns as well.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, which was diagnosed 2 years ago. I was so ill that I thought I was dying. I couldn’t work, couldn’t take care of my kids and could only manage a few hours before having to lay down. Then I could only lay down for a short while before the pain drove me to get up again! I was lucky enough to get an appointment with a dr who worked at the research centre at stellenbosch university in Cape Town. He managed my health from start to finish and made sure that I knew I wasn’t alone on this journey. He explained how the methotrexate would work and how the nsaids worked and what they would do. He also started me on folic acid, Omega 3 and vitamin D3. Although he couldn’t prescribe CBD he knew I was using it and said that as my Dr he had a duty of care to make sure I took it in the correct dosage and managed my overall health journey. He set me off on a limited diet in order to find out what foods had an inflammatory effect. At first I got much worse and felt aweful. My. Kay was detoxing, I was craving the pain killers I had lived on like smarties……..and my migraines got worse! The dr had told me this would happen and made sure he spoke with me every few days at the beginning. After about 6 weeks I started feeling better and after 3 months I had reduced my pain meds totally. I continued with CBD oil and my supplements. I am now aware that certain foods don’t agree with me and now, 2 years later I am working full time, care for my family and am able to manage my life within the limitations my illness demands. I am pain free most days, and only use pain medication maybe once a month……..CBD saved my life…….I would love to take part in this trial……this plant is saving lives every day…….
Medical cannabis is my only effective tool against psoriatic arthritis that had been untreated for 20 years! Even the evil opioids don’t touch this kind of pain but cannabis helps!
Hi,my name is chris and I have made 2 surgeries on herniated disc first was made in 2007 at L5 S1 left side and second in 2016 at L5 S1 right side,I still fill the pain 24/24 of course not at the same intesity but it’s here and I think always will be,I here a lot of stories about medicinal marijuana,I wana try it but I don’t know how to do it who to ask
I have RA as well as Diabetes and Asthma.
As an Asthmatic I am allergic to NSAID’s, so Morphine is my only pain relief.
I take Methotrexate and other Disease Modifying Anti Rheumatic Drugs, DMARD’s, without much success.
I have worked all my life, and had to retire 3 years ago at the age of 46, with a full pension.
However, I am a trained professional who could still carry out a useful role in society if I had the right medication.
I know the Morphine and DMARDs aren’t doing me any good in the long run, too many side effects to note, and I know that it will be costing the NHS thousands of pounds just for the DMARD’s.
I could go out and buy the cannabis, but I don’t trust the quality, and I don’t want the THC content for which the plant is grown by street merchants.
I would much rather a professionally produced CBD dose which would cost much less and give better results.
Let’s face it, the politicians are there to distribute the wealth of the nation.
They collect the taxes and spend according to their policies.
Welove if they can’t see how the rise of medical cannabis around the world is not only saving the respective health budgets, but also allowing those with constant pain to control it and still work, reducing the burden on the rest if society.
It’s almost negligent on the part of the Government to ignore this any longer.
I suffer from arthritis and it’s only going to get worse, I have other painful conditions such as fibromyalgia and degenerative disc and bulging disc my life is not as it once was, hoovering the stairs, making beds gardening etc can leave me in so much pain, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I would be willing to try anything I’ve gone from never taking anything not even a headache pill to a regime of meds just to keep going.
I have to use Oxycodone up to 160mg daily, Diazepam 10mg daily, Methocarbamol 1 gram daily, Dexketoprofen (like methocarbamol) I have to source from Spain since the NHS provides none and Dexketoprofen is the only pharma anti inflammatory I can use, Sulfasalazine, Paracetamol 1 gram tablets not 500mg capsules and Lyrica 600mg daily, Lorazepam 4mg daily and more, I moved part time to Spain they put me on 2 grams of Indica dominant hybrids or Indica strains and they allowed me access to 1 gram daily of Cannabis Oil, now i feel like I can be self employed for the first time in 9 years and its all due to D8 THC d9 THC, CBD and most important forgotten Cannabinoid in this is CBC which, is a strong anti inflammatory and prevents Diabetes too and this runs in my family. I basically have to take a cocktail of drugs that killed Michael Jackson daily. I am so high tolerance for drugs that I can easily take 7.5-15mg Zoplicone, 10mg Diazepam, 10mg Oxycodone IR Concentrate, 60mg Slow Release Oxycodone, 4mg Lorazepam and 500mg Muffin edible and only get 3-4 hours sleep and be back awake again. I am one the more severe cases that requires a combination of pharmaceuticals and Cannabis and none on their own work well (except RSO and Canna-Caps).