How Herpes is Affected by THC, as Explained by Dr. Rasmussen
I remember years ago a patient telling me that he cured a “cancerous” lesion on his dog’s leg using cannabis oil. At the time I thought it was fanciful and interesting but probably coincidental at best.
However, it appears that the topical use of cannabis oil (CO) may indeed be curative in many dermatologic applications. It makes sense because phytocannabinoids are potent anti-inflammatory compounds. They help to reduce the immune response that makes a condition painful or uncomfortable. Certain cannabinoids can also arrest the replication of, or sometimes kill, both viruses and bacteria. Often times dermatologists will combine a corticosteroid such as prednisone with an antiviral like acyclovir to treat a superficial herpes infection (except in the eye). Such an approach reduces the symptoms of infection while killing the virus.
CO therefore mimics medical ointments that combine both a corticosteroid (prednisone or hydrocortisone) and an antiviral or antibiotic. The only problem is that medical transdermal products are usually available only by prescription. Even the veterinarian salves require an office visit. They can be costly. Perhaps you don’t really need to see a doctor. Let’s look at some alarming herpes statistics.
Worldwide, the rate of HSV infection– counting both (HSV-1) and (HSV-2) – is around 90%. About 1 in 6 Americans (16.2%) aged 14 to 49 is infected with HSV-2. HSV-2 prevalence was nearly twice as high among women (20.9%) than men (11.5%), and was more than three times higher among blacks (39.2%) than non-Hispanic whites (12.3%).[ref] 06/06/2015[/ref]
In the US for example, a miniature tube of acyclovir cream for patients with herpes runs for around $30 or more and lasts about as long as it takes to read this article. Anyone with “herpes” may run through a half-dozen tubes per year.
The research on using THC to treat herpes simplex is Spartan at best but there’s enough to support a trial of such an approach. As far back as 1980 Blevins et al demonstrated that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) failed to replicate in human cell cultures when exposed to a solution of delta 9 THC.[ref]Blevins RD, Dumic MP. The effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on herpes simplex virus replication. J Gen Virol. 1980. Aug;49(2):427-31.[/ref]
Seven years later Mishkin and Cabral demonstrated that micromolar concentrations of Delta 9 THC inhibits the synthesis, maturation, and cellular transport of HSV2-specified glycoproteins.[ref]Mishkin EM, Cabral GA. Inhibition of cell-associated herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoproteins by delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1987 May;185(1):41-8.[/ref] Translated, it basically means that replication of HSV was arrested. Decreased expression of virus glycoproteins may be valuable in the human immune response to HSV infection.
Supporting documentation came from a publication released in 1991 which stated: …the data suggest that THC preferentially reduces the infectivity of the enveloped herpes simplex virus.[ref]Lancz G1, Specter S, Brown HK. Suppressive effect of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on herpes simplex virus infectivity in vitro. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1991 Apr;196(4):401-4.[/ref]
Right, so we now know that THC can inhibit HSV replication. What we don’t know, since studies are not yet available, is if other phytocannabinoids will perform the same way. We also need clinical trials on humans to completely verify if transdermal cannabis is a valuable tool in treating HSV infection.
But why wait for science to catch up? Look at the accumulating data on cannabis oil and the treatment of cancers-initially most of it appeared as self-reported case studies. Why not try it for yourself and see if it helps?
I’ve cured my HPV symptoms with topical application of Butane Honey Oil. The warts dissappeared after only two match head sized doses in a week. I’d been to the GUM clinic on quite a few occasions to have them frozen off with liquid nitrogen but this had been quite painful and had only increased the number and size of the warts. When I told my GP he practically laughed in my face and told me it had just irritated them enough to rub them off? What can you do when you’re surrounded by unbelievers?
I’d laugh right back at them.
This is very interesting. Did anyone tried this yet? Dare to share results?
Having an outbreak for the first time in years. Also, I just received a sample of plus cbd oil balm. So I applied it to the very painful area. I am feeling the coolness of the peppermint which is nice and I also feel like the swelling is subsiding. The trob has disappeared! I found the trick!
I am doing taking cannibis oil for herpes simplex 2 right now. I wanna se what it will do for this.
Just wondering , any luck or to soon
Did it work ?
Dr Ramm should I decarboxylate the marijuana before i put it into tghe tincture, thus activating all the THC?
Yes! always decarboxylate first! There are instructions at
The recipe I retrieved did not require any further steps. I’d try it the way it’s written first. You could try it your way with another batch if the first one doesn’t produce the results you wish for.
What is the recipe?
Cannabis cured my stage 4 metastatic melanoma. I was laughed at too.I go to Yale hospital
So I’m with the rest of the ppl what is the reciepe
Where can I get the cannabis oil and the delta 9 tetrahydrocanabinol at? I would love to see if this will help my 19 yr old daughter. She had just been diagnosed with HSV a couple of days ago.
I’m very upset about this and I want her to get cured and healed.
Please, if someone could let me know that would wonderful.
I started applying a homemade cannabis salve to herpes blisters and using this has completely stopped any blisters from reoccurring. I’m applying twice a day, it feels like a miracle. This has only been going on for roughly one month so time will tell.
Did it really work?
Hi Kim, can you say how you made the salve? Thanks, Paul
14 years ago, small herpes in my forehead attack my optic nerve in one of my eyes, by the doctor, “the virus seat on your eye nerve”, i was treated with eye drops, сream and acyclovir pills, nothing helped me for month’s. and it keep coming back from time to time, when it attacks i don’t have any outer symptoms like redness or so, but there is a tremendous pressure on the eye from inside, like someone is pushing a finger into the back of my eye, after two years of pains that come and go, i met some lady that recommend me to try and smoke cannabis. at first it relief the pain immediately, but the good thing that after few month’s it looks like this thing leave my eye alone, every time i tried to quit smoking, it come back and hit my eye. so i kept smoking, for more than ten years i almost forgot that i have something in my eye. two years ago, i stopped smoking due to economic situation, this thing come back big time, it attacks my eye almost every month for few days with huge pain that one can not even imagine. the doctors wont even think to give me prescription for it even that they can and nothing else helped me (in my country you need to be “half dead” to get cannabis by prescription…). now i am in huge pain, i hope someday i’ll have prescription or some money to keep buying it again, even by making myself a “criminal” 🙁
(i am sorry for my bad english, it is not my native language).
I never really needed the oil, ever since i contracted herpes the outbreaks were frequent….tried pills, creams, home remedies, nothing worked quick and it was mostly to help with the pain not prevent the outbreak from happening….one of my close friends noticed my discomfort and when i told him what was going on….he literally smiled and he said to go to his place the next morning. He ended up giving me some pre rolled joints and said smoke 1 every day and for 4 years now no outbreaks… ( > i did have a minor one, 2 years back I couldnt get a hold of any mj on that 2 week vacation, ended up getting it but it was so mild it barely made me uncomfortable)..some people might think a joint a day is alot but it does mor e than expected for me and for that im thankful..smoke it, rub it, maybe even eat it not sure whats the best way…but im sure marijuana is the way.
I’m wondering if this works opposite way also. I only ask because after not comsuming cannabis for a week, my lymph nodes began to swell after smoking within a few hours and the next day the single bump/outbreak that I get in the same area began to form, and I started my Acyclovir tablets immediately. I’m wondering if the weed activated my immune system because I usually only have an outbreak maybe twice a year, usually months apart, however, this latest one occurred a month or so after the last
I make a cream with the Magical Butter machine. 50 grams buddy shake (any Kush works well) and 1 litre coconut oil. I use the organic one you can get at Costco because I am not ingesting it. I run the machine at 180 degrees for 6 hours, then strain it into jars. I have herpes on my tailbone, and it causes a great deal of pain (neuralgia). The cream works like a charm! I also take 1000mg of L Lysine a day to keep the outbreaks at bay. I am sure that you could use a crock pot on low and get the same affect. Do not decarboxylate – many of the CBDs are destroyed with high heat.
Can someone help me? Im not sure where to get a salve
Olive leaf extract will stop outbreaks. Only thing that worked for me
I was diagnosed with HSV 2 in Jan. 2016. This is all new to me. I was devastated, not knowing where I got it. Being married for 20 years, Oct.23 will be four years divorced. But before our break up, my husband had blisters on his penis, and a discharge. He went to the doctor and come back saying the doctor said it was a fungus. Does anyone think that I got it from him ? Can anyone tell me the best cannabis Oil or salve to use. I have been dealing with this for almost a year now. The blisters left, the paper cuts left.Everything was clear for a couple of months. Now I’m dealing with a lot of itching. Sometimes it feels like something is crawling on me down there. Please someone help me and tell me what to use. I have used coconut oil, tea tree oil, calendula, I’m out of choices. Help ? Tina
I never suffered Hsv-2 symptoms. Suddenly i became symptomatic. Obs always after full or new moon. 1 or 2 obs a month. This tormented me for 7 years. Then, i made an extensive treatment for intestine worms and….Herpes gone! It was a stupid worm to trigger herpes obs. CANNABIS OIL MAY BE BENEFICIAL. HOWEVER, CHECK FIRST IF YOU HAVE SOME WORM OR PROTOZOAN INFECTION AS MANY ARE ASYMPTOMATIC LIKE IN MY CASE.
It all comes down to our self being. After years of self medicating and various trial and error tests on myself i figured out that its all just stress. Take control of your life and let go of anything and i mean anything that can trigger any stress related symptoms. Accept the fact that its done but refuse to be broken mentally and our bodies will amazingly do the rest. No pills needed to suppress, let your body get used to the breakouts until they become insignificant to you mentally… “pills do the complete opposite, i felt like they would just soothe the target back to sleep only to wake at any time… sometimes angrier”. There is definetely some kind of placebo effect at work with herpes as well… relax my friends… THC in small amounts did the trick for me. Find your true comfort in it and your body will thank you…