Largest survey on CBD finds nearly half of users are able to stop taking traditional medications
- Survey found that 42% of new CBD users were able to stop taking pharmaceutical medicines
- 80% of respondents found CBD to be “very or extremely effective” in treating conditions
- 55% of respondents were female
- Can CBD become the UK’s main medicinal cannabis product?
Evidence from the largest ever survey on CBD is suggesting that an increasing number of medical patients are replacing traditional medications in favour of cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis.
In the largest study of its kind, jointly conducted by the Brightfield Group and HelloMD, the world’s largest online medical marijuana community, 2,400 of HelloMD’s 150,000 community members were surveyed on their usage, knowledge, perceptions, and misconceptions of CBD.
“Hopefully, access for [CBD] products will help patients… who cannot obtain medication that contains THC”
– Dr. Perry Solomon
Who is using CBD?
The survey differentiated between several control groups: those using Full Spectrum cannabis, either CBD or THC dominant; and those using CBD isolates.
The survey found that more women are currently using CBD-only products, with 58% of CBD-only users found to be women. However, this was the smallest group within the respondents: only 9% of respondents claimed to only use CBD products.
Why are people using CBD?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most prolific chemical compound found in cannabis, known for its use as a potential medicine, such as an anti-psychotic, neuroprotectant, anti-depressant or anti-inflammatory.
According to Dr. Perry Solomon, the Chief Medical Officer at HelloMD, the most common reasons people used CBD were neurological, for example, to treat insomnia, depression and anxiety, and for pain and inflammation also being heavily mentioned by respondents. An impressive 80% claimed they found products containing CBD to be “very or extremely effective.”
A further 52% of respondents indicated that their CBD products are either “more effective” or “much more effective” in relieving medical conditions than are prescription medications.
The survey found CBD to be so effective at treating some of these medical conditions, nearly half of the respondents (42%) claimed they were able to completely replace all of their traditional medications with the cannabis-derived medicine.
As we recently reported, people are already using illegal cannabis to help overcome their addictions to opioid-based medications.
What this data suggests is that people who are still addicted to dangerous prescription drugs, and are worried about the psychoactive effects or illegality of THC, may be able to turn to cannabis’ legal alternative: CBD isolates.
With Britain on the brink of an “opioid crisis,” could CBD be the answer?
Participants in the survey were asked which cannabinoid (THC/CBD) they would use to treat particular medical conditions. Perhaps surprisingly, more patients are using CBD-only/dominant products than those using THC.
For joint pain and inflammation, 54% of CBD only product users treat their joint pain/inflammation with cannabis, compared with 48% of THC dominant product users.
38% of CBD-dominant (full spectrum cannabis) users treat migraines with cannabis, versus 35% of hemp-derived CBD users and 34% of THC-dominant users.
For chronic and severe pain, CBD-dominant cannabis was favoured instead of THC-dominant cannabis: 32% of CBD dominant users turning to cannabis to treat their chronic pain, versus only 28% of THC-dominant users.
Interestingly, more people were found to use hemp-derived CBD than Full Spectrum to treat their arthritis: 31% of hemp-derived CBD users versus 28% of CBD-dominant users and 24% of THC-dominant product users.
The results from the survey could have wide-ranging implications for the growing CBD market in the UK.
With THC still illegal in the UK and CBD recently being reclassified as a medicine, patients in the UK are able to access legal cannabinoid-based medication.
Discussing the results of the survey, Dr. Perry Solomon said: “This landmark survey, in terms of its size and depth, shows the tremendous value that these products have for patients.
“Hopefully, access for products such as these will help patients all across the country who cannot obtain medication that contains THC.”
Have you been able to replace some, or all, of your medications with CBD products? We would love to share your success stories! Get in touch or comment below.
Recently, (approx 4 weeks) I have used CBD oil, which seems to have helped with my ME/CFS. I have not stopped any medication for my other illnesses as they all seemed to be working ok. I certainly will keep on with the oil as nothing else has helped/improved my condition with this dreadful disease . Well pleased and hope it keeps going .