Research Library

Welcome to the Research Library All the clinical research so far on the effects and implications of medical marijuana and its derivatives This collection of papers represents the most complete and up to date archive of Medical Marijuana research on the web. If you have found a paper that is not included here and would like us to add it to the library please contact us here.  …

Can Medical Marijuana be used to treat Diabetes? – Research Review

Can Medical Marijuana be used to treat Diabetes? - Research Review Although there are numerous cases of research into the use and characteristics of marijuana and its relation to metabolic diseases, this post will review the current research and give an idea of where we stand in relation to diabetes and the use of marijuana.  Over the past 40 years, the number of diabetics worldwide has…

The Incredible Story of the Woman Who Shrunk her Tumours using Cannabis Oil

The Incredible Story of the Woman Who Shrunk her Tumours using Cannabis Oil Whenever I find a great anecdotal report on a cannabis cancer cure (CCC) I like to inform people of its existence provided there is a threshold of proof that comes with the presentation. Dear reader, pass the word to all of those lucky patients around the world who have cured themselves of end stage cancers using…

The Father of Cannabis: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Raphael Mechoulam

The Father of Cannabis: An Exclusive Interview with Dr. Raphael Mechoulam Were it not for one man’s efforts, the current cannabis landscape would look more like moonscape. There would be no conversations/blogs on cannabis as a curative medicine, there would be very little known pharmacology; certainly there would be much less clinical information regarding the world’s most captivating herb.…

A Guide to CECDS (Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome)

A Guide to CECDS (Clinical Endocannabinoid Deficiency Syndrome) Imagine that you live in a country where medical and recreational marijuana has been legal for years. (I know, humor me for the moment.) This is your first checkup with your new doctor. He’s younger, bright and bushy-tailed, only fresh out of residency last year. But he knows more about the endocannabinoid (eCB) system in humans…

Cannabis Puts Crohn’s Patients Into Remission

Cannabis Puts Crohn's Patients Into Remission A fascinating new study has emerged which shows an unexpectedly favorable response to cannabis in those that suffer from one of the most common disorders seen in the gastroenterologist’s office - Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) are flip sides of the same coin. They fall under the broader heading of inflammatory…

An Exclusive Interview with Professor Roger Pertwee

An Exclusive Interview with Professor Roger Pertwee When someone is coveted with the same prestigious award as 3 Nobel Prize winners and 16 Fellows of the Royal Society, it is abundantly clear that their contribution to their profession is significant to say the least. This can be said of Professor Roger Pertwee, who in 2011 was awarded the Wellcome Gold Medal from the British…

All Forms of Medical Marijuana Legal in Canada

All Forms of Medical Marijuana Legal in Canada The Supreme Court in Canada has ruled that Medical marijuana patients can now legally use all forms of the drug, not only smoke it. Previously, regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, S.C. 1996, c. 19 (“CDSA”), only permitted the use of marijuana for treating medical conditions to “dried marijuana”, so that those who were…

How Cannabis helped this HIV Patient

How Cannabis helped this HIV Patient I was infected with HIV in 2011. I take antiretrovirals, steroids, and medical marijuana. Medical marijuana enables me to go jogging, it increases my appetite, and it is the only treatment that hasn't had severe lasting side effects on my body. I'm in a serodiscordant couple- my husband is HIV-negative. In addition to the growing list of ways marijuana…

Doctor explains how cannabis relieves pain and reduces anxiety

Doctor explains how cannabis relieves pain and reduces anxiety Dr. Ian Mitchell says that in an ideal world, physicians would learn about the medicinal properties of cannabis in medical school. Doctors would be trained about different extracts from marijuana plants, including cannabidiol, aka CBD, and tetrahydrocannabinol, aka THC. But the Kamloops emergency-room physician tells the Georgia…