The Incredible Story of the Woman Who Shrunk her Tumours using Cannabis Oil

Whenever I find a great anecdotal report on a cannabis cancer cure (CCC) I like to inform people of its existence provided there is a threshold of proof that comes with the presentation. Dear reader, pass the word to all of those lucky patients around the world who have cured themselves of end stage cancers using cannabis to please provide MRI or CT evidence with their cases. If there is valuable blood work (such as a blast cell count with leukemia, or tumor markers) add that as well.

The best reason I can think of is to “turn” a recalcitrant doubting doctor, senator, congressman into one who becomes intrigued. There’s no way that will happen if you simply tell your story without any proof whatsoever. If you can get your doctor to vouch for it all the better.

After all, the tidal wave of cannabis legalization started only because it proved to have valuable medical uses. At this point in our history of cannabis change it’s important to ascertain if the “cure” indeed happened because of cannabis oil. That is, to rule out any fraud that may be occurring. That’s my job and I cannot do it with a simple testimony. The best cases are the ones that a physician helped write up complete with lab reports and imaging studies.

They are also the rarest. So far I have one such case that I have already published. I think many physicians are reluctant to publicly do or say anything that may alienate their status if they were to jump aboard the weed wagon and yell from the highest peaks that pot cures cancer. They are not going to publish or put themselves in the spotlight until this whole movement goes mainstream. I can’t really blame them either.

Now if cannabis does indeed cure some forms of cancer then we need to know which ones respond and how well they respond to it. That requires more detailed case reports and lots of clinical studies. It may turn out that some cancers like glioblastoma and breast cancer may be particularly sensitive to cannabinoids whereas other cancers may only respond partially.

Of course, ultimately knowing WHY the tumor responded is of the utmost importance. But that comes only from decades of research which grows daily.

We also need to know the dosing schedule: how much, how often? There are many product unknowns such as which types of cannabis are best, if any, at treating cancers. What is the most effective potency? In other words, is it really important to have very high potency THC or not? How much CBD should be in the mix? What about the other sixty-five or so cannabinoids? Also of concern is whether or not raw, unheated, cannabis has a role. If so what is it?

So far it looks like a gram per day of (the heated non-acidic form) RSO or cannabis oil is evolving to be the standard dose but maybe that needs to change. I have seen a handful of cases that only worked when the dosage was bumped up by two to three hundred percent: two to three grams per day. Sadly, we are far from knowing many of the basic facts about cannabis oil and treating cancer. But what we know so far is encouraging.


Moreover, cancers are off the charts so it’s becoming an emergency. At the rate that cancers are manifesting in a few more decades everyone will develop some form of cancer. The world is becoming more and more toxic and one of the results of that is cancer. Both people and pets are feeling this novel plague.

This is an important point because you may need to make a decision on whether you go conventional with “cut, poison, burn,” or go outside the box with raw cannabis juicing, hash oil or Rick Simpson Oil after you are diagnosed with a cancer.

In my book on preventive medicine I have a chapter on cancer prevention. Written as a guide to keep cancer out of your life it’s principles need to be followed. A new addition will be added that includes cannabis juicing and using the decarboxylated form as a way to keep cancer from forming on a cellular level. An ounce of prevention right? What would that dose be pray tell? Maybe it’s a gram of prevention or more per day.

I wish I had the time and resources to interview every northern California care giver and come up with a list of suggestions.

We need something yesterday because cancer is the new “it” girl and she’s not the one you’d like to marry.

Yes, the prevalence (the number of new cancer cases in a given population), is alarming; rising nearly geometrically from an obscure disease to the third leading killer in less than 100 years.

If you were to ask any gastroenterologist 40 years ago if a twenty-year-old kid could get colorectal cancer, he or she would most likely scoff and tell you that it’s rarer than steak tartar at that age group. Well not anymore. It’s becoming quite common now for adolescents and tweens to get the diagnosis that is normally reserved for the elderly. Rare types of cancer manifesting in the wrong age group indicates that things have taken a huge turn south. Like a canary in a coal mine it’s a warning that our world is far too toxic and that we are paying dearly for our Western ways of life.

Furthermore, the costs of treating cancer are ridiculously high. If that were not enough, consider the fact that most treatments are worthless. Chemotherapy helps about one in twenty while it sets a small percentage up for blood cancer decades later. That’s in addition to the tangle of chronic disorders patients must endure, should they survive, from the poisoning effect of chemoradiation.


Even worse is the strange media headline (from a high-impact journal) that appeared two years ago indicating that most, if not all, basic animal research on chemotherapy drugs and cancers may need to be scrapped as essentially meaningless data. This had to do with fraud and conflict-of-interest science. If it’s true, it suggests that the oncology head literally does not know what the tail is doing. That the entire field of oncology is based on pseudoscience.

Well that’s no fun. It’s more than disconcerting to learn about this now as we spiral into a cancer pandemic.

The end result of having a cancer in the US (and perhaps the entire first world) is that typically you are poisoned with chemo drugs and radiation, your pocketbook is fleeced and you die bankrupt. Those countries that offer socialized medicine as in the UK at least leave you to die with your bank account intact. Not so in the good old USA.

Let’s look at the operose statistics. From

I. 1 in 2 males will develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes. 1 of 4 of those will die from cancer. (source:

II. 1 in 3 females will develop some form of cancer in their lifetimes. 1 of 5 of those will die from cancer. (source:

III. In 2013 1,660,290 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the US alone. In 2013 580,350 people died from various forms of cancer. (source:

IV. The cost to treat cancer oftentimes exceeds more than $100,000. (source:

V. Chemotherapy treatments are less than 3% successful (yes, a 97% failure rate) and are only effective in extending a patient’s life; it in no way cures cancer. (source: [Take this with a grain of salt-some cancers do respond to chemo for a cure but they are usually not the most common nor the deadliest. There’s only about 5 different cancers like Burkitt’s lymphoma that respond well.]

VI. Some current forms of cancer treatment involve the surgical removal of cancer sites, breasts, genitals, ect (sic). Oftentimes, cancers have been known to simply re-occur in new areas of an individual’s body years or even months after the surgery. (source:

VII. Society is losing the war on cancer. (source: kpbs news article)

VIII. I will add that we have LOST the war on cancer.

But the most menacing and far-reaching news is that the deadliest cancers are the most common and they are still the deadliest cancers. In other words, there are no cures for most cancers and chemo takes therapy in the wrong direction-it’s rather Medieval. These are not cures. That’s why when chemo helps they call it a remission not a cure. That way when it doesn’t work they have an out.

However, it is so lucrative that nobody in the system is ever going to suggest that it be changed even if it’s crazy to continue using these methods. Now granted some critics will contend that it’s not all doom and gloom and that the cure rates of some cancers have improved.

That may be true but, as I have said before, it’s too little too late. Statistically there is no change in the overall age-adjusted death rates for all cancers combined after 45 years of “the war on cancer.” Depressing to say the least.

Now that I have ruined your breakfast let me see if I can make your lunch bittersweet.



Let’s now examine the case study of 43 year old Cira Felina Bolla who was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer. I’ll give you as much information as I can find but let me warn you that these cases are usually lacking something important.

Cira was originally diagnosed with Stage III Breast Cancer in early February 2013… She.. was able to do some initial tests and they have discovered it’s Stage IV. Then eventually diagnosed Triple Negative. She had to quit working the last week of February due to the pain in her back and from the tumor.

She started a Phase I Clinical Trial March 28th, 2013 to help destroy the tumor by targeting the mutated DNA and repairing it. Eventually Cira’s Tumor had shrank (sic) down to the size of a walnut…[ref]( 11/16/2015[/ref]

The first CT image taken from YouTube shows the initial scan which provides a snapshot of her baseline condition in March (2013). Note on the first image (below) the shadow in the top left quadrant between 9 and 10 o’clock (big arrow). That’s the initial breast tumor size which is very large as large as a big fist.

Scan 1

scan 2

The second image (left side above), also part of the baseline study, shows the extensive liver involvement from metastatic disease. All of the small darker “spots” are metastatic lesions from the breast tumor.

Below is a close-up showing hundreds of liver mets. It is literally filled with metastatic disease. Usually when cancers have spread this far it’s hopeless to think of a cure.

scan 3

The following image (below) was taken in August of the same year five months after cannabis oil therapy. Note there is no mention as to how much cannabis oil she was taking, how long and how often are also unknown.

scan 4

Compare the original breast lesion from the first image between nine and ten o’clock (below left) to the above image (provided again below right). You see a dramatic (that’s the term the oncologist used) shrinkage of the primary breast tumor.

scan 5

The image seen below is a comparison of the liver involvement between baseline (left side) and canna-oil treatment (right side) after five months.

scan 6

What is clear from this image is the literal disappearance of the darker grey liver mets replaced by what looks like normal, healthy liver parenchyma (smooth lighter grey regions). It appears that the RSO (and chemo?) has regenerated liver tissue. The larger mets have shrunk down to tiny nodules and the rest has disappeared-an astonishing response. Keep in mind that she was also taking another chemotherapeutic drug with the canna-oil.

As per the oncologist he mentions that it appears as if the liver mets have decreased in size further still. She had bone mets to the spine which have also disappeared. Her oncologist was obviously very pleased with the results.

Then things changed about one year later.

As of February 2014, an accident with unexpected seizure landed Cira in the emergency room a broken left shoulder and rib. Following her assessment an MRI determined there are now brain…metastasis (small brain tumors). Cira is faced with a challenging road ahead physically, mentally, and financially….[ref]IBID[/ref]

As is the case many times there is little follow up on what has happened since these CT scans were taken. The last Facebook entry was March 8, 2014. Sadly, it appears that she had died from complications of her cancer. What happened?

Although I am missing a lot of information we can initially see the unbelievable change in her status from riddled with tumors to nearly tumor free. Then something changed over the course of about a year. Was it due to a change in dosing? Or does this sort of thing happen with marijuana? Do patients sometimes achieve miraculous remissions only to have the cancer return with a vengeance? Maybe patients do better without chemo using only RSO?

No matter what happened we can still learn from this. We clearly see the effects of canna-oil and chemo together which was phenomenal. This case was particularly distressing to me for several reasons. One is that she had breast cancer which is running rampant across the planet and two is the shocking 180 turnaround after being nearly in remission! What a waste with such a beautiful and talented cinematographer. I only wish I had all of the information regarding this case.

Lastly, notice how nearly every case I present there is an element of financial ruin associated with it. In the wealthiest country in the world is this the best they can do?

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