The Importance of Testing your CBD Products
In this article we’ll discover the stunning results of my requests for laboratory verification of commercial CBD products.
It is STANDARD for any legitimate company following good manufacturing practice (GMP), to provide verification of company claims. It should also be standard that consumers request it.
To my surprise not one company has provided me with that simple, basic requirement: proving your claim using a third party laboratory. Not one company!
If they cannot provide a sample copy for you, it’s because they know their merchandise is fraudulent. It’s that simple. A legitimate company should be proud or their product and be willing to prove their claims. For example, Zone Labs makes an excellent fish oil product which I have used for 17 years. The site provides a section where you can see every single batch’s third-party analysis of said product. They even refer you to the site (IFOS) where the testing is done!
In other words these well-known canna-businesses say they have high content CBD oil but we have to take their word for it.
One company had the hubris to send me a page that was simply created from scientific software that produces graphs! As a chemist, I could see that it was totally made up. They were trying to play me (and you) as befuddled children with no critical thinking skills.
Another company has a “real” looking printout on the front page of their glossy website claiming all batches are tested. I asked for said analysis, and all I got was a lab report that tested for contaminants which is also part of a total analysis package. Yet, no cannabinoid breakdown was provided. Of course, the lab did indeed test for cannabinoids but the company apparently didn’t want me to see it. I mentioned that to the company while putting in a second request.
Guess what? I never received a response. This “gotcha” moment revealed possible fraud and perhaps even criminal behaviour.
So far these businesses are failing the heat. They do not feel the need in providing proof. Instead we are to trust them and accept their claims on blind faith.
I don’t think so. Not when relying on them to cure you of a serious disease while stealing thousands of dollars from you!
Real extracts (or any cannabis product) should be clearly marked with a percent concentration, or in milligrams per cc of vehicle for liquids.
For example, one decent company clearly printed on their label: contains 3.3 mg CBD per ½ dropper. One-half dropper is 0.4 cc according to their product label. Here you know exactly what you’re getting, at least from reading a clear label. They got that part right. Sadly, this same company does not provide third party proof.
Here’s a copy of the breakdown in potency of Sativa Valley’s CBD Tincture sample from Analytical 360’s analysis page followed by the cannabinoid breakdown.
There are other things tested for like terpenes, and contaminants that I have not provided.
Next observe the wonderful and novel labels (below) with their analysis printed right on the package of medical pot. This is refreshingly intelligent. This is also what SHOULD be included with all your purchases. This is a clear indication of third party testing and it should be standard.
Some of the most expensive CBD products on the market have only their website’s reassurance that they are what they say they are.
CBD oil could be anything. Raise the bar and demand proof or you may be wasting your money while encouraging a rapacious industry. This isn’t the old days when pot sellers were “a most happy fella.” Today we have businessmen, and with men of business comes a loss of ethics. Fraud easily follows.
In summary, demand:
1. An authenticated lab report with batch number, date, and % cannabinoids proving their claims.
2. A clearly written label with CBD dose in milligrams per serving.
Rick Simpson’s Hemp Oil,Cannabis Oil Medicine For Cancer and chronic pain .
Welcome to Grass Roots Dispensary:
Grass Roots Dispensary can help you reclaim your health and quality of life. We can provide you with information pertaining to the acquisition, benefits and use of medicinal cannabis oil. Don’t let your illness define your life.
Some of the conditions cannabis oil has been used for include: Cancer, Diabetes, Crohn’s disease, Gout, Pain relief, Glaucoma, Opioid Dependence, treating Alcohol abuse, Epilepsy, Psoriasis, Asthma, Adrenal disease, Inflammatory Bowel disease, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Dravet syndrome just to name a few.Our Oil Cure s Arthritis! Snoring! Diarrhea! Acne! Diabetes! Removes warts! Mighraines! Lose weight! Alcoholism! Glaucoma!
IT CURES CANCER! All forms of cancer!
Based on historical evidence, cannabis is believed to have originated from Central Asia. Cannabis is one of the oldest plant medicines known to man. It is difficult to trace the beginnings of cannabis use by humans because it was cultivated and consumed long before the appearance of writing. According to archeological discoveries, the use of cannabis as a medicinal base has been known in China since the Neolithic period, around 4000 BC
Collectively, our mission is to provide clinical grade medicine both medical marijuana and Cannabis oil to our members in a cost effective manner. We strive to keep our member collectives ahead of the rest If you desire premium medicine for your patients, we are your provider.
And all without any detrimental effects whatsoever!
Add to the extravagant medical claims, the additional accusation that you can’t get this treatment because of a conspiracy by Big Pharmacy and greedy, grasping doctors who want people to suffer so they can charge them lots of money to fix them with agonizing tortures that don’t work.
High Quality cancer cannabis oil and top shelf marijuana for patients with illness like cancer,pain,insomnia,anxiety,liver problem,epilepsy and more. on Sale at negotiable prices. Cancer cannabis oil on sale at excellent rate. Medicinal value.
PACKING: In plastic packs
Skype :tradeleaks1
Hi. I have been diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, which has spread to my lungs. I would like to know the best medicine to buy and how much this would cost.
Thanks and regards
This is a good article highlighting the absolute necessity of all CBD companies to be as transparent and honest as possible. I’m very dissapointent but unfortunately not surprised to hear of your bad experiences with CBD companies making false claims about the potency and saftey of their products, unfortunately it is a far to common occurrence.
It is also Illegal for these companies to make ANY medicinal claims or give any Medical advise at all on the products they are selling or producing. CBD products can ONLY be legally sold as ‘food supplements’. To be sold as ‘medicine’ they must have gone through rigorous testing and be approved and licensed by the MHRA.
We at UK CBD ltd pride ourselves on never exceeding the scientific data or breaking the law by making medicinal claims.
We have made our full third party laboratory reports available to view online at the touch of a button, these include tests for Potency and Safety. Simply visit our Quality control page for results of all our ingestable products. We only use the most highly regarded products and testing methods available.
We are currently looking for labs to test our CBD in the UK, where do you test yours and how much does it cost?
Any labs out there for companies to test my oil?