Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months Using Cannabis Oil
Woman Rids Body of Cancer in 4 Months Using Cannabis Oil
Medical doctors and healthcare personnel alike are stymied by the miraculous cure which recently occurred to Michelle Aldrich who suffered from a deadly form of lung cancer.
Michelle was sixty-six years old at the time. Initially she developed a low-grade fever and cough which she couldn’t shake. Several months later it worsened; she developed signs of a pneumonia which prompted her to seek medical care. Her doctor ordered a CT scan trying to determine what the problem was. The scan revealed a large mass in the central region of the chest consistent with lung cancer.
Unfortunately the biopsy and staging of the tumor revealed it to be poorly differentiated, non-small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma) or NSCLC for short, stage three. All lung cancers carry a poor prognosis but this form is particularly aggressive. From the National Cancer Institute:
General Information About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
NSCLC is any type of epithelial lung cancer other than small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The most common types of NSCLC are squamous cell carcinoma, large cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma, but there are several other types that occur less frequently, and all types can occur in unusual histologic variants. Although NSCLCs are associated with cigarette smoke, adenocarcinomas may be found in patients who have never smoked. As a class, NSCLCs are relatively insensitive to chemotherapy and radiation therapy compared with SCLC. Patients with resectable disease may be cured by surgery or surgery followed by chemotherapy. Local control can be achieved with radiation therapy in a large number of patients with unresectable disease, but cure is seen only in a small number of patients. Patients with locally advanced unresectable disease may achieve long-term survival with radiation therapy combined with chemotherapy. Patients with advanced metastatic disease may achieve improved survival and palliation of symptoms with chemotherapy, targeted agents, and other supportive measures.
Incidence and Mortality
Estimated new cases and deaths from lung cancer (NSCLC and SCLC combined) in the United States in 2015[ref]American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2015. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2015.[/ref]:
• New cases: 221,200.
• Deaths: 158,040.
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in the United States.[ref]American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures 2015. Atlanta, Ga: American Cancer Society, 2015.[/ref] The 5-year relative survival rate from 1995 to 2001 for patients with lung cancer was 15.7%. The 5-year relative survival rate varies markedly depending on the stage at diagnosis, from 49% to 16% to 2% for patients with local, regional, and distant-stage disease, respectively.[ref]Ries L, Eisner M, Kosary C, et al., eds.: Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2002. Bethesda, Md: National Cancer Institute, 2005.[/ref]
Michelle was classified with having stage three or T3, involving a number of regional lymph nodes in the chest. A T4 staging means distant nodes were found to be positive for tumor metastasis. Five-year survival vastly decreases from T3 to T4.
Surgically resectable disease is generally stage I, stage II and selected stage III tumors. Generally T3 and T4 use combination modalities since surgery cannot be used solo for cure. One must also use chemotherapy and or radiation.
But let’s face it, survival for this type of cancer hasn’t improved since the war on cancer began in the seventies as Dr Abramson reminds us. In his pivotal book “Overdosed America,” he explains that the age-adjusted death rate for all cancers has actually increased since the “war” began. Put simply: you are no better off today with most cancers than you were 45 years ago. Unless you have the courage to venture outside the conventional medical “box.”
At best using conventional medicine Michelle had an approximately 49% five year survival and that’s with only local tumor involvement. It drops quickly as you can see from above down to 2% five year survival with distant stage disease.
“I thought I was going to die,” Aldrich says from her Marina District apartment. But she didn’t. And now, she is busy telling anyone who will listen that, along with diet and chemotherapy, a concoction of highly concentrated cannabis oil eliminated her cancer in less than four months.[ref](http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/miracle-cannabis-oil-may-treat-cancer-but-money-and-the-law-stand-in-the-way-of-finding-out/Content?oid=2825695) 09/22/2015[/ref]
Initially diagnosed in January of 2012 and by April 2013 a repeat CT scan showed a reduction in tumor size by 50%. What tumor remained was surgically removed. Repeat CT scan showed no tumor involvement anywhere in the chest.
Her doctors — one of whom noted the effect of “homeopathic treatments, including hemp oil” to reprogram the cancer cells to kill themselves — “are floored,” she says. “They’ve never seen anything like it.”[ref]IBID[/ref]
See how confusing the nomenclature is? To clarify, Michelle did not use “hemp oil” she used cannabis oil which is completely different. Specifically she used Rick Simpson Oil (RSO), AKA Phoenix Tears. It is also not homeopathic in any sense of the word. RSO is allopathic all the way; it acts much like a powerful drug, as powerful as any pharmaceutical. In fact, it appears to be much more effective than any chemotherapeutic currently on the formulary.
Using “hemp oil” which is the essential oil extracted from industrial hemp, to treat ANY disease is a fool’s errand. Only authentic cannabis oil can cure cancers. Please be aware of that fact. Industrial hemp is good for food-grade seeds, its bright green oil can be used in salads. It’s also good for textiles and paper but when you want to cure disease you need the big guns that real cannabis employs.
In the East Bay area of San Francisco where I had my medical practice lives a woman who is very well known to the cancer community. She is a very busy person. While the webpages of the NCI claim that there is no evidence that cannabis cures cancers, we have plenty of real-time and anecdotal case reports of numerous cures of “incurable” late stage, highly aggressive tumors. Some of those reports come from Constance Finley.
Employing the same manufacturing techniques seen on Rick Simpson’s website, she takes a pound of cannabis and reduces it into one ounce of pure medical magic.
This cannabis reduction sauce (essential oil) in its thickened final stage is called Rick Simpson Oil (RSO).
Most oncologists would guffaw over the idea that the sap of a common weed could defy the realm of possibility and outperform the best that Big Pharma can deliver. But it can and it does. The internet is overflowing with anecdotal cures of virtually any cancer regardless of cell type. Doctors and laypersons alike would never believe it was possible were it were not for the scores of bona fide, documented, cases seen by this woman and many others.
She was quoted as saying that there is a world-class oncologist in San Francisco who has already referred 26 “deaths door” patients to her in 2013. All 26 of Finley’s referrals had stage 4 cancers. The patient population included brain tumors, colon cancers, and lung cancers to name a few. Stage four is a death sentence since it means the malignant cells had escaped the primary tumor and metastasized to other organs. Most had only a few months to live, some had less than six weeks. All patients received modern medical treatments such as chemotherapy with the concentrated oil. She reportedly has “cured” all but one of them. That’s a 96% cure rate, the best in the business if it’s true. And it’s not just in San Francisco.
These survival stories are becoming more common. One of the most high-profile was the case of Montana toddler Cash Hyde, diagnosed with a brain tumor at 20 months, whose family credits cannabis oil for keeping the tumor at bay and keeping him alive — until a change in Montana state law cut off his access to oil for a few months. The tumor returned and he died in November, at age four.[ref](http://www.sfweekly.com/sanfrancisco/miracle-cannabis-oil-may-treat-cancer-but-money-and-the-law-stand-in-the-way-of-finding-out/Content?oid=2825695) 09/24/2015[/ref]
Understandably this San Francisco oncologist prefers to keep his name private when being quoted. Even when a powerful remedy like this mops up cancer cells like a Pickwickian tween in a pie-eating contest, academics still prefer to remain hidden lest they succumb to the predictable harassment and ridicule of their peers. Some could easily lose their jobs should they become overzealous reporting the truth that a simple plant extract outperforms the best chemo by an unbelievably wide margin.
One question. When will these oncologists start referring patients to Finley before the system nearly kills them? Imagine how helpful it could be then.
Remember also that RSO is NON-TOXIC. There is no devastating blowback from using it. Contrast this to your typical chemotherapy course which causes blood cancers years later in up to 15% of patients who received chemo at some point earlier in their disease course. Furthermore, chemotherapy is an efficient immune system destroyer. Just what you don’t need when fighting for your life.
Meanwhile, by definition late stage cancer is incurable and always leads to 100% mortality. This makes RSO even more astonishing. That’s because these people are written off by modern medicine as failures where nothing could help them. Sick, emaciated from chemo and radiation, cachectic and nearly dead she revives them like a modern day Lazarus factory.
Take a moment to reflect on this humble fact. It reveals to us the absolute beauty of this incredible, health-regenerating, symphony of phytocannabinoids. A true gift from God.
If it’s all true. And that’s a big if. We need controlled studies now more than ever before. But don’t hold your breath. Clinical trials are ten years away, minimum.
To make this unpretentious oil is actually very easy. Simply go to Rick Simpson’s website for instructions. The most important of all is that you use a safe solvent for extraction. Aldrich’s providers use Everclear in making what they call “Milagro oil” which is the same as RSO, at Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz, CA. Finley’s operation uses isopropyl alcohol which can be toxic in large doses. Theoretically you will boil off all of the isopropyl alcohol but personally I think it’s far better to use ethanol the only truly safe alcohol (in small doses).
Once they have procured the precious oil patients with end-stage disease need to ramp up to an anti-cancer blood level as soon as humanly possible. But the material is extremely potent: a concentrated extract clocking in at around 70% active THC or higher. The oil is a reduction using heat so all of the acidic cannabinoids are converted to psychoactive decarboxylated forms of which THC is a major component.
But it’s not just the THC that they need. All of the 60 phytocannabinoids, decarboxylated and ingested along with the terpenes, and thousands of other mysterious chemicals found in the oil, produce the “entourage effect.” Scientists have speculated that this synergy is the real reason why RSO is so strangely effective. You need whole plant extracts of real cannabis to knock cancer cells into next week. The potent psychoactivity is the biggest hurdle to overcome.
That’s why patients need to start out with a dose that will not pound them into submission the first day which may discourage its use. Practitioners who use the drug regularly recommend starting out with a small rice grain sample of the sticky oil, rub it inside your mouth along the gum line. After that you simply swallow it. From there you quickly work your way up to dosing four times a day or more. For those familiar with the high of cannabis they can accelerate the dosing very quickly if they like the way they feel. You’ll be doing a lot of sleeping since the preparation normally comes from an indica only species. No sativas are used since the preparation becomes too speedy for most patients especially at high dosages. Sleep induces healing. It’s all part of the process: eat, sleep, relax, protect, and don’t forget…forget.
With perseverance one can increase the dose rapidly to full-strength in one week. You’ll want to increase the dosing of a “rice grain” to four time a day or more to achieve a total of one gram per day. So each dose is about ¼ gram. At that point blood levels are high, we start to see the magical entourage effect take place. Tumors shrink and finally disappear to be replaced with healthy cells.
The cost? At a gram per day one needs to take it until the cancer is gone which is at least four months. A pound of quality (organic) Indica which is what they prefer to use to help you sleep and heal, runs about $2,500 to $3,000 in the Bay Area. Aldrich says a three-month regimen costs her $1,200 a month; Finley charges $5,500 for a two-month cycle.[ref]IBID[/ref] That’s pricey but compared to what?
A typical cancer patient caught in the Commercial Sick Care System (CSCS) could buy a (used) Bentley with the money they need for chemotherapy and radiation. In the US they will on average spend eighty thousand dollars toward chemotherapeutics during the last two years of life and often die in spite of “cutting edge” therapy. When viewed this way cannabis oil looks exceedingly cheap and very worthwhile. With the added bonus-you get to live.
The statistics tell us either you pay eighty thousand over two years for the right to die in pain, anguish, and loss of dignity; or you shell out eleven thousand on RSO and possibly receive a new lease on life. I don’t know that’s a tough choice.
Furthermore, patients with NSCLC who have survived their ordeal often develop secondary lung cancers years later as a matter of course.
Not so with RSO. Taking a lower maintenance dose of RSO after the tumors disappear is highly recommended since it will help prevent the ignoble recurrence of tumors.
Thank you for your well-written and well-researched article on cannabis and cancer! We need clinical trials World!
where can i get this from?
Karen, if you read the article you will see the following “EASY AS BOILING WATER
To make this unpretentious oil is actually very easy. Simply go to Rick Simpson’s website for instructions. The most important of all is that you use a safe solvent for extraction. Aldrich’s providers use Everclear in making what they call “Milagro oil” which is the same as RSO, at Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Santa Cruz, CA. Finley’s operation uses isopropyl alcohol which can be toxic in large doses. Theoretically you will boil off all of the isopropyl alcohol but personally I think it’s far better to use ethanol the only truly safe alcohol (in small doses).”
Where is Rick Simpson’s web site? Can you post a link?
There is only ONE Rick Simpson website. http://phoenixtears.ca/
Rick Simpson does not sell the oil on his site. He only shows people how to make it, and how to therapeutically dose yourself for cancer. You must have both CBD and THC compounds in the oil to kill the cancer. Therefore it is illegal to sell or buy over the internet because federally THC is illegal. Anyone here or anywhere that claims they sell CBD oil to kill cancer is a fraud. You must have both properties to kill the cancer. There are many people who claim the sell CBD Rick Simpson oil over the internet. Do not buy from them. You must make it yourself or find a person with the whole plant that can make it in to oil for you. I hope that helps.
Oh, also if you are in a state where it is medically legal, you can get your card and buy the therapeutic oil at your local dispensary.
What is THC and CBD
This is all very interesting ,but if you live in the UK there is no way of getting it . If anyone knows where I can go please post a reply
Cannabis is legal for medical use in several US States, as well as Europe.
I believe cannabis is only now starting to become legal for medicinal reasons in Europe. You will have to do your own research to find out. Start by googling Medicinal cannabis (your area) and see what comes up. You can try to find an activist site where they are pushing to legalize for medical reasons and talk to the folks there and I would be they know of a person that can make it for you from their own grow. If I needed it bad, I would do this even if it was illegal. Just make sure it’s made from the “whole” plant and don’t buy from any company that is just selling CBD oil.
Where do you get it from.
Hi Julie – check out Roo and Co. http://www.rooandco.co.uk 🙂
Hi Karen – take a look at Roo and Co based in the UK – http://www.rooandco.co.uk. I can vouch for them as I get mine from there and they are probably the cheapest online for the CBD oil that I get. Good luck!
Liz, I’ve just taken a look at this website & it looks like this is hemp oil not cannabis oil which is totally different according to the article. Maybe check with them that you’re getting the right one as hemp oil doesn’t contain what’s needed for treatment. It’s also far too cheap to be pure cannabis oil. I’m asking as I too am searching for the right oil for treatment. Good luck with your treatment ?
Thanks Jo. It’s CBD oil that I get from them, not hemp oil! But thanks for your concern – it’s the CBD that I need and that’s what is working for me 🙂
According to Rick Simpson it needs to have a 20% or higher HTC content of different strains of indiva cannabis. The sleep inducing strains which do make you high and sleepy in order to be effective on cancers. phoenixtears.ca is his website. He is very specific.
Everyone needs to watch Run from the Cure..cannibas is proven over and over to cure cancer
I guess the street dealers only sell the Sativa and not the Indica as the Sativa gets you more stoned..would Sativa be ok to make the healing oil with ?
Sorry Micky, Sativa is not the stronger weed, Sativa is upbeat high, its used mostly to make hashish. Indica is the most sought after on the streets. It has a very strong body high, the most potent weeds, consist of Indica strains. Just thought i would correct you, just ask any local teenager they will agree with what i have said here. 🙂
What dose should u take in order for the cancer to not come back
You take a maintenance dose and that would be about the size of a grain of rice before bed time.
What is really essential to prove this or other similar stories is.
We need someone that have been diagnosed wtih Cancer. And can prove it 100% with Hospital reports, doctors reports that they have a Cancer disease. After that the Patients will have the Courage to take only Cannabis Oil to cure them self. Now if they survive. We will have the proof that Cannabis Oil can cure Cancer.
If they Die. Well, at least they did so trying to help the rest of us. In this case. I have a Question. Why Operate when Cancer have gone 50 % away. Why not wait and let it go 100 % away and do without Operation?
Now. Please don’t misunderstand me. I am in for 100% Legalization of Cannabis. But so far. I have seen a lot of Stories and only actually proof so far has been on Mice. So Please help me and anybody else who will be very pleased if You , Me , Anyone else can 100 % Waterproove that Cannabis cures Cancer. Love KeldKrist
i can prove i have breast cancer that is an external tumor with an open wound caused by biopsies 3 years ago. i live in utah need i say more. i have been able to acquire a very small amt(less than an oz) and with what i have seen i cancelled chemo but am out of oil. my tumor is quite lg. with mestasization all thru my body. i believe 100% its the cure but have no way to get more. if i can prove it i will if this is truly on the up and up. all my medical records are in a patient portal i have account and anyone can look if i tell u pw,.
I’m game
So, what happens when us blue collar workers, who live pay check to pay check, get diagnosed, and cant afford this stuff. Doesnt do us any more good than taking chemo.
If the insurance companies would cover some of the cost, maybe it would make it easier to get. What are the chances of this happening. They will pay on Chemo and radiation and the survival rate is still low.
Chemo and radiation are our only choices in America. Until the feds reschedule it, the insurance companies won’t have anything to do with it.
It takes a lot of the plant to make the oil. In Colorado, you can most likely get the full dose for under $3000. Yes, that is expensive but chemo is more expensive and doesn’t really seem to work and puts you through a lot of misery. Best to find someone that can work with you on price as many want to help where they can but please understand, it takes time and effort and a lot of weed to get it down to a concentrated oil so it’s not cheap.
I hear you. That is why states where it is legal, are allowing people to grow their own and make their own. It’s not that hard and it’s a fantastic opportunity to heal ourselves without having to go to the hospital.
Is there any chance of buying this oil any place in this world?
Only in places where medicinal (or recreational) cannabis is legal. It’s June 19th, 2016 and we in America now have 23 states where it is legal.
Will this help the Lungs of Emphysema? carmwoman@gmail.com
Only a very high THC cannabis oil will help with the inflammation. With this comes hopefully opening up of our breathing passages. There is NO CURE for COPD even if certain people claim that it does…….RS oil is great but it is distilled thru alcohol or a solvent of some sort……For us we need the highest THC for COPD, usually fused with coconut oil, as a suppository or tincture under tongue….Vaping is ok if you are basically early in the disease but not if your lungs are too compromised……..the prices quoted above are ridiculously over the top but it is still an ILLEGAL DRUG.
Med. MJ which will be legalised when the polys get off their butt, as there is no need for any further trials….but it is basically CBD oil n not for COPD….
I am a kidney cancer survivor of five years but would like some information on maintenance dosage
Where can we buy RSO?
It is definitely NOT “rso” – it is a food grade extract of cannabis made with ethyl alcohol. RS oil is made with paint thinner. Even Michelle would argue the point. You have intentionally mis stated these facts to suit some other purpose.
Shame on you.
Hit me up if you need supply
Hit me up
If I had cancer I would beg steal and borrow to get this oil. I have watch too many people die or look like death from kemo and radiation therapy. There is no way this oil will poison you and compromise your immune system like kemo does.
As John states above, and the picture above verifies, this article is not about RSO. Rather, it is about Full Extract Cannabis Oil or FECO. The difference being the solvent used. FECO uses ethanol(vodka, everclear, etc), RSO uses paint thinner essentially.
Here in Washington state my company, Cascade Growers, makes FECO testing over 80% THC and containing the full spectrum of terpenes and cannabinoids. It is extracted using organic vodka. I would be interested in working with cancer patients, even donating the oil, if there is hope for a cure. I wish we could ship this worldwide for that purpose, but we are restricted. If you’re in Washington ask for us at your local recreational shop. Find us on Facebook. Like us on Facebook.
Hey Chris…. for some reason I ‘found’ you on FB, but nothing is posting….. ??
… okay….. it just took quite awhile to load… no worries.
Hi John, my dear friend was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer on October 2015, with metastasis on liver, lung, he lives in Pittsburgh PA. To get any help in here is difficult. We lack of contacts.
He has started the 3rd quimo, and he is open to try this miracle oil, so if you could help us in any way possible, that would be an extra miracle. My friend has a boy 4 1/2. He is only 47, and we do not want to loose him. Please John, I read your comment and little sparks of hope appear in our heart.
Maria A. Santander
Hi Chris, my dear friend was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer on October 2015, with metastasis on liver, lung, he lives in Pittsburgh PA. To get any help in here is difficult. We lack of contacts.
He has started the 3rd quimo, and he is open to try this miracle oil, so if you could help us in any way possible, that would be an extra miracle. My friend has a boy 4 1/2. He is only 47, and we do not want to loose him. Please John, I read your comment and little sparks of hope appear in our heart.
Maria A. Santander
Does it work for cancer of the liver?
Cannabis oil does not have a favorite cancer. It reduces tumors and kills cancer in about 70% of people and works on all cancers the same unlike chemo.
I am undergoing chemotherapy for stage 3 lung cancer like the person who has been cured by cannabis oil. My question is if I can get hold of the right oil is it safe to take at the same time as the chemo?
It is fine to take along side the chemo. Cannabis is non toxic and will not have any adverse effects with or without chemo. Most will have to take double or triple the amount to undo the effects of the chemo. Most cancers don’t grow very fast so it’s worth a shot to try in place of the chemo or before you even attempt chemo. Since we have no great data because of the “illegal” status of cannabis, many folks will choose chemo and it’s not until the doctor sends them home with the sad news that they can’t do any more to help , they will then resort to cannabis.
Can you you’s it when your having chemo
Research suggests that you can use cannabis oil alongside chemotherapy with no side effects at all.
Yes, it is safe to use cannabis while on chemo. In fact, it’s what saves many people from the wasting that happens to their body as a result of nausea from the chemo. Those of us who are around it see it working on people here in Colorado will say do the oil regime before you even try the chemo. The oil only kills the cancer where as the chemo kills both cancer and good cells.
There is NO PROOF that cannabis oil ON ITS OWN cures Cancer!!
There is plenty of people who have healed themselves with cancer. The reason we don’t see heaps of info from the medical establishment is because federally is is considered illegal. They will not move on the unless the Feds free them up to do so. Meaning doctors will not prescribe, (although Denver hospital historically did recently to two newborns born with seizures) and they will not monitor people who are taking cannabis for their cancer. Until the Feds relax the rules, doctors are advised against having anything to do with the therapeutic oil.
Correction: The hospital did not prescribe, but for the first time, they monitored the baby, knowing it had cannabis in it’s little body . But the parents had to administer it themselves.
Just how much money are you all spending on this product???
I am from South africa and need this specific oil urgently..please give more info how to order
@ Dirk Vorster. If you have any luck would you let me know please. I will receive notifications to this article via e-mail, if you manage to source any. I have Oesteperosis, Athritis and Fibro and have been told that Cannabis would possible alleviate quite a bit of the pain thus, allowing me to live some kind of ‘normal life’. I was quoted R900.00 from another source but, that is far too expensive for my pocket. Thanks. Look forward to your response.
Is it safe to take this if you are on warfarin
Yes, cannabis oil will not affect warfarin. It’s like food to the body and not one that thins or thickens your blood more.
Sorry but the doctors say it does
My oncologist said the same. She also said it doesn’t work for pain. I’ve been using it since I was 13 for my menstral cramps so I knew she was full of sh**. They don’t understand it and you would think as doctors (scientists) they would take the time but it doesn’t appear they are doing that. I’ve had a PE and was on Warfarin for six month and used cannabis the whole time, in the oil form. I stayed away from the smoking at that time because I’m still learning about whether or not it is a blood vessel constrictor or not. Still more research to be done on this.
So one minute you say it does not effect it and then you say it does ! I notice all those saying they were cured also had chemo
Smoking of any thing may cause the blood vessels to constrict. Taking cannabis oil will not do this, just to clarify. I’m sorry if you were confused with my answer.
Trust me john. I do not benefit by telling someone in the UK that it cures cancer. What I do have is the doctors telling me I am cancer free after consuming cannabis oil for what they thought was urachal cancer. I have my lab reports if you would like to see them. Denver hospital made a historic decision last month to monitor a baby who is taking cannabis oil. This has never been done before. They are not allowed to prescribe at this stage but the fact that they are working with the parents is a huge first step. The National Cancer Institute has admitted it kills cancer cells in tumors. This is a new thing for many and its moving along like molasses for the people who need it now. I like to tell folks to avoid the fraudsters and I also like to share with them what I have been reading and researching for the last three years. You’re welcome!
I’ve yet to hear of ANYONE self diagnosing themselves with Cancer! Tests by a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL…has to be done first with a BIOPSY! It’s DISGRACEFUL that the MEDICAL teams who have been there to research the types of Cancer you are all “curing ” yourselves of are Never mentioned !yet I bet you a $to a penny that you have ALL BEEN TO DR’S FOR TREATMENT..AND these Snake oil salesmen are making $Millions from sick people!
Oh and for the record, I have never had chemo.
ive had cancer too and i didnt have chemo! NOT all cancers need chemo!
but this snake oil is just another scam to make money fro sick people!
they are NO BETTER than big pharma!
Take the time to watch the film I just posted and then call it snake oil. You would be going up against Dr. Raphael Mechoulam who just received a Life Time Achievement award in the Sciences. You must be someone who knows more than him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csbJnBKqwIw
the cannabis industry in USA is worth Billions of $
NO one YES NO ON has been CURED SOULY by using cannabis oil! each person has to have been diagnosed by a MEDICAL Doctor! not some idiot!
so has he cured anyone yet?
Raphael Mechoulam: There are many reports on the treatment of various cancers in mice; unfortunately, well-designed human trials have not been done. It is unbelievable that neither government agencies nor private foundations have gone ahead or encouraged clinical trials – but this is a fact! There are no real published clinical trials with cannabinoids against any cancer!
If any one is interested like I am on the medical effects of cannabis, this is the film I personally have been waiting for. It, not surprisingly is out of Israel as that is where all this great research started from. It is by a fellow named Zach Klein and it is called the Scientist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csbJnBKqwIw
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam has enjoyed an incredibly fulfilling and accomplished career. His scientific breakthrough came early when he managed to isolate and identify the chemical compounds of the cannabis plant. The Scientist offers a riveting account of this breakthrough discovery, which serves as just a single chapter of an extraordinary life.
This sounds very encouraging. Does this oil work for all types of cancer !!! I have a rare form of inoperable cancer called Thymoma which at the moment has stopped growing after my second course of chemotherapy I had back in Jan 2016 ( finished treatment end April , had a scan in May and tumour only shrank small amount but stopped growing. I was first diagnosed in March 2013 and after chemo and radio treatment was free from ‘re – growth for nearly two years.
I am open to trying anything if it can get rid of these cancer cells. !! Where can I purchase this oil and do you think I would benefit from taking it !! . Thank you , Andrew
Andrew, first of all I am sorry to hear you have inoperable cancer. In America, we only get offered chemo when we have cancer. Our doctors and specialists don’t offer cannabis as an option. Even in legal states. We are simply not there yet as it is tied up in ugly politics and money. The same goes for your country although I’ve heard the UK is starting to recognize cannabis as medicine.
Cannabis works on all cancer the same. The best thing for you to do is to start learning about it as medicine. That way, you will feel confident when you start to take it yourself. You should always know what you are putting in your body whether it’s cannabis, food or opioids. Cannabis is non toxic to our body and on top of it, we have receptors that take it in like food. I would start with this documentary called the Scientist. Dr. Mechoulam is the first modern day doctor who has spent the last 50 years studying cannabis and the effect on health. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csbJnBKqwIw
In the mean time, start looking up who is involved with cannabis and medicine in your neck of the woods. See if there are activists working to change your laws. They may know of someone who is growing for medicine and can start you on a regime of oil. It takes about 60 milligrams or twice that if you have been on chemo. Read all the past posts here as you will find plenty of good info and links. Google words like (your area)+cannabis+education or medicine or compassionate. Try a combination of those words. Check to see if facebook has anything in your area. It’s everywhere so if you look hard enough, you will eventually find someone who is helping people with the oil. Remember smoking is for pain, oil is for healing and juicing is for overall health. Good luck my friend and don’t hesitate to ask more questions.
what a load of rubbish you are spouting! Chemo is NOT just given to people with Cancer so i suggest you do a bit of decent research!
this persons tumour has stopped growing AFTER a course of CHEMO! and NO amount of snake oil is going to do any better than the treatment they have already had!
Cannabis is a MULTI BILLION $ industry in the USA so if it WAS this ”be all and end all” of Cancer then WHY hasnt this cannabis industry done something about it????
the amount of multi millionaires who have died of Cancer are a testament to the FACT that cannabis dosent cure cancer, if it were true David Bowie would still be alive plus the MANY other people i know of who tried just using hemp oil as a cure and it DID NOT WORK!
hemp oil can be good for the side effects of treatment … but NEVER RELY on it as the CURE! X
Lillian, you misunderstood the first line of my paragraph. I should have said, when one has cancer in America, chemo is the only choice offered to them in our conventional medical system. No other alternative is offered to them unless they go to a naturopathic doctor.
Did you get a chance to watch one of the highest esteemed scientists in Israel talk about his 50 years of research on cannabis? If this doesn’t change your mind, I’m afraid nothing will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csbJnBKqwIw Straight from the horses mouth.
I’m afraid you are wrong about chemo being the best treatment. In fact, it’s probably the worst. It doesn’t work very well, and cancer seems to come back with vengeance usually a few years later to take that person’s life. On top of it, more folks die from the side effects of chemo than the cancer itself. You might take five minutes to watch this Youtube, Chemotherapy is a Waste of Money: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdLyMhNdcSc
As to why cannabis is not readily available is something you and everyone should know by now. IT IS STILL LABLED AS A SCHEDULE ONE DRUG IN AMERICA. Until that classification is changed, any doctor or health care professional has their hands tied and can not prescribe it for fear of getting their license revoked. But lucky for us, this is bound to change over time. California is just about to legalize and I feel since that is our most populist state, the dominoes will start to fall. Also the AMA finally admitted cannabis is reducing tumors in mice and our Denver hospital is now working with parents who’s babies are born with seizures. They can’t prescribe it but they are monitoring the babies. This is small steps but an indication on how we are finally moving forward with cannabis.
Many doctors are prescribing but they do so in private or off the record.
Take a second to look who is fighting against the legalization of cannabis with the most force. The pharmaceutical companies, why? They have the most to lose with their chemo meds. It takes five minutes to research this Lillian. And I’m sorry, but by continuing to call cannabis snake oil, it makes you look ignorant and backward. It’s the same label some of the prohibitionist used back in the early Reefer Madness days but luckily we now have science to show the positive effects of cannabis.
Lastly, I agree with you on one thing. Hemp oil does not work. Hemp and cannabis are plants from the same family but contain different active compounds in different concentrations. There are people out there trying to sell hemp oil as a cancer treatment and they should go to jail. Cannabis has the active ingredient THC whereas hemp does not. You must have the whole cannabis plant (turned in to a concentrated oil) to work when fighting cancer. This is my passion and I spend most days reading and learning and working with people who are ill. If you or anyone would like more links, videos, or understanding, I will be quite happy to provide.
My name is Kelly, I’m 66 years old, and I would like to share my amazing story with you. On January 18, 2000, after a severe headache prompted a CAT scan, a 3cm tumor was discovered in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was 38 years old. My two daughters were ages 15 and 12. Immediate brain surgery was recommended by my surgeon. However, after further discussion, due to slow growth and no adjacent edema, he felt it would not be negligent to postpone surgery and monitor the tumor every 3 months with an MRI. The tumor remained stable for a little over three years then suddenly grew 25%.
On September 4, 2003, on my husband’s birthday, I had surgery at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I spent the next day, our 19th wedding anniversary in ICU. The pathology report came back an Oligodendroglioma grade 2. The surgery was an apparent success and neither radiation nor chemotherapy were recommended. However, since it’s unlikely every cancer cell can be detected and removed, and the nature of gliomas are to grow back over time, it was necessary to continue MRI monitoring every 3 months. Living from MRI to MRI had
become our “normal”.
All MRI reports remained stable until November 2013 when my quarterly MRI came back showing regrowth of the tumor. My brain surgeon in Los Angeles recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy, and if that didn’t work, another brain surgery to go in and clean up the regrowth would be considered. He also gave me anti-seizure medication for auras that
had started to manifest as strong unexplainable odors. My doctor described this experience as an olfactory seizure. While researching Charlotte’s Web cannabis oil as an alternative to the prescribed seizure medicine I also found out that cannabis oil was also showing promise as a cancer treatment and could be an alternative to chemotherapy.
When Jillian came home for Christmas she and my husband, decided it was time for me to make a decision to do something. I wasn’t ready to decide anything just yet. I wanted to have Christmas with my family. The day after Christmas I made up my mind to drive out to California to investigate cannabis oil as a treatment. We read articles about successful brain tumor results in Spain and Amsterdam and gathered information wherever we could. We decided to give the cannabis oil a try, especially after we read a paper on a study about the chemotherapy my doctor had recommended. That study suggested patients with tumors like mine appeared to get better at first with the chemo but then the left over tumor cells would mutate and turn aggressive over time.
After many conversations with my husband we decided to order 90-day cannabis treatment and MM Card was issue. the card was for cancer treatment amazingly, the cannabis oil has helped me with my fibromyalgia pain, joint pain, and chronic headaches. I had this pain for many years and it was getting worse. I literally have no pain now. My blood pressure had been creeping up over the years and was consistently pre-hypertensive, now it’s consistently on the low side of normal. I have not taken any other medication except the cannabis oil, supplements, and good clean healthy food over the last 8 months.
In August, eight months after beginning the cannabis treatment, my MRI was reviewed by a leading Radiologist, my Neuro Oncologist, and my world renowned Brain Surgeon, and it was concluded that all that was remaining of the tumor regrowth was scar tissue. I will have another MRI in December. Because these tumors are chronic and tend to grow back, I will always be living MRI to MRI, but the key word here is that I am living …and in great health with a great immune system.
By eating healthy food and walking every day we both lost a needed 35 lbs. I never experienced the dreaded “munchies” that some get on this medicine.Smoking marijuana is reported to have an appetite stimulating effect. When I built up a tolerance to the THC, even though I was ingesting large amounts, I did not get an intense “high” like what
would happen if a person were smoking it. For me, it produced a deep sense of well being.
Since concentrated cannabis oil with a high THC content is necessary to kill tumor cells it concerns me that the main talk in several states is to legalize CBD oil only. That is great news for seizures patients but denies treatment options for cancer patients, plus THC has so many other health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored.
The evidence is rapidly stacking up on the healing properties of the Marijuana plant. I’m excited for the future of Medical Marijuana and I feel a strong responsibility to spread this information. I hear so many misconceptions about this amazing medicinal plant that I feel i need to tell my story to anyone who is interested and my prayer is that it will be received with an open mind and a compassionate heart.
Many Blessings to All
What does THC and CBD mean ? Can you tell me the sites you found in Spain that you can get this treatment ? Thanks
Where can I find Cannabis with THC and OR CBD PLease.
My name is Kelly, I’m 66 years old, and I would like to share my amazing story with you. On January 18, 2000, after a severe headache prompted a CAT scan, a 3cm tumor was discovered in the left frontal lobe of my brain. I was 38 years old. My two daughters were ages 15 and 12. Immediate brain surgery was recommended by my surgeon. However, after further discussion, due to slow growth and no adjacent edema, he felt it would not be negligent to postpone surgery and monitor the tumor every 3 months with an MRI. The tumor remained stable for a little over three years then suddenly grew 25%.
On September 4, 2003, on my husband’s birthday, I had surgery at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles. I spent the next day, our 19th wedding anniversary in ICU. The pathology report came back an Oligodendroglioma grade 2. The surgery was an apparent success and neither radiation nor chemotherapy were recommended. However, since it’s unlikely every cancer cell can be detected and removed, and the nature of gliomas are to grow back over time, it was necessary to continue MRI monitoring every 3 months. Living from MRI to MRI had
become our “normal”.
All MRI reports remained stable until November 2013 when my quarterly MRI came back showing regrowth of the tumor. My brain surgeon in Los Angeles recommended 4-6 months of chemotherapy, and if that didn’t work, another brain surgery to go in and clean up the regrowth would be considered. He also gave me anti-seizure medication for auras that had started to manifest as strong unexplainable odors. My doctor described this experience as an olfactory seizure. While researching Charlotte’s Web cannabis oil as an alternative to the prescribed seizure medicine I also found out that cannabis oil was also showing promise as a cancer treatment and could be an alternative to chemotherapy.
When Jillian came home for Christmas she and my husband, decided it was time for me to make a decision to do something. I wasn’t ready to decide anything just yet. I wanted to have Christmas with my family. The day after Christmas I made up my mind to drive out to California to investigate cannabis oil as a treatment. We read articles about successful brain tumor results in Spain and Amsterdam and gathered information wherever we could. We decided to give the cannabis oil a try, especially after we read a paper on a study about the chemotherapy my doctor had recommended. That study suggested patients with tumors like mine appeared to get better at first with the chemo but then the left over tumor cells would mutate and turn aggressive over time.
After many conversations with my husband we decided to order 90-day cannabis treatment and MM Card was issue. the card was for cancer treatment amazingly, the cannabis oil has helped me with my fibromyalgia pain, joint pain, and chronic headaches. I had this pain for many years and it was getting worse. I literally have no pain now. My blood pressure had been creeping up over the years and was consistently pre-hypertensive, now it’s consistently on the low side of normal. I have not taken any other medication except the cannabis oil, supplements, and good clean healthy food over the last 8 months.
In August, eight months after beginning the cannabis treatment, my MRI was reviewed by a leading Radiologist, my Neuro Oncologist, and my world renowned Brain Surgeon, and it was concluded that all that was remaining of the tumor regrowth was scar tissue. I will have another MRI in December. Because these tumors are chronic and tend to grow
back, I will always be living MRI to MRI, but the key word here is that I am living …and in great health with a great immune system.
By eating healthy food and walking every day we both lost a needed 35 lbs. I never experienced the dreaded “munchies” that some get on this medicine.Smoking marijuana is reported to have an appetite stimulating effect. When I built up a tolerance to the THC, even though I was ingesting large amounts, I did not get an intense “high” like what
would happen if a person were smoking it. For me, it produced a deep sense of well being.
Since concentrated cannabis oil with a high THC content is necessary to kill tumor cells it concerns me that the main talk in several states is to legalize CBD oil only. That is great news for seizures patients but denies treatment options for cancer patients, plus THC has so many other health benefits that shouldn’t be ignored.
The evidence is rapidly stacking up on the healing properties of the Marijuana plant. I’m excited for the future of Medical Marijuana and I feel a strong responsibility to spread this information. I hear so many misconceptions about this amazing medicinal plant that I feel i need to tell my story to anyone who is interested and my prayer is that it will be received with an open mind and a compassionate heart.
Many Blessings to All