Billy Caldwell Unites Northern Irish Politicians for Parliament Protest
- Every political party in Northern Ireland have “been united” by Billy Caldwell, the first patient to be legally prescribed cannabis oil on the NHS
- Hundreds are expected to protest outside Northern Ireland’s Parliament next week for the legalisation of medicinal cannabis
- Members from Shin Fein, the Ulster Unionist Party, the Green Party and even the DUP are expected to speak at the protest next week, as well as doctors, cannabis patients and activists
In an amazing turn of events, Northern Ireland is on the brink of legalising cannabis for medicinal purposes.
United by heroic young medical marijuana patient and spokesperson, Billy Caldwell, all the major political parties will be standing in support of the child and “Billy’s Law,” a bill designed to legalise cannabis for medicinal purposes in Northern Ireland.
Representatives from Sinn Fein, the Green Party, the Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP), The Ulster Unionists (UUP), the Alliance Party and even the Democratic Unionists (DUP) will be standing with Billy at the protest outside Stormont (Northern Ireland’s Parliament) on the 10th October.
With every party confirming they will vote in favour of passing “Billy’s Law,” legal medicinal cannabis in Northern Ireland is now a question of when, not if. Discussing the amazing news, Charlotte Caldwell, Billy’s mother and tireless medical cannabis advocate, explained why she felt it was so important to get politicians on-board:
“We knew we needed the politicians on our side to make the protest credible.

“The hardest part of any argument is winning over the politicians, and we’ve… Billy’s managed to do it!
“I put it all down to billy. He’s the advocate. He’s the wee boy who suffered all them seizures and nearly died. He’s the one who the politicians have taken under their wing, and the boy who has won the nation’s heart.

“The fact they’re all coming up to Stormont to speak alongside us is amazing. It’s just amazing!”
Charlotte explained that the progress that will be made in Northern Ireland is due to the unity among the political factions, as well as ‘playing by their rules.’
“It’s unprecedented, it’s totally amazing that we’ve managed to get all the major political parties to unite.

“Even in countries where there is legal medical cannabis, there’s normally opposition from other parties.
“Because I did things the way I did, speaking to doctors and politicians, getting them on board, through the last year’s campaign… We’ve really won over people to Billy’s story and the argument to legalise medicinal cannabis.”
“As far as I’m concerned, there is no debate. There’s nothing to debate. It’s done. Medical cannabis will be legal in Northern Ireland!”
– Charlotte Caldwell
Recreational cannabis, however, will still be banned under the bill:
“The bill is only for medical use. A lot of people are still very wary about cannabis, it’s been difficult to get them on board this far.
“But we now have a foot in the door! As far as I’m concerned, there is no debate. There’s nothing to debate. It’s done. Medical cannabis will be legal in Northern Ireland!
“I’d like to think that it’ll go through by the end of the year!”

Gareth Tuff, who organised the protest and suffers from MS, discussed his own amazement at the momentum the protest has picked up and the incredible news regarding the unity of the parties:
“I didn’t expect this to happen! I expected to hopefully change some minds or preconceived notions about cannabis, but not this.
“If I’m truly honest the person that really set me on the right path was the Ulster Unionist MLA Alay Allan.
“Andy really took me by surprise on this, he was much more progressive than I thought he would’ve been.

“He and many others, I believe, understand that this drug can help many, many patients and I truly believe they will work together and make something happen, what, I don’t know!
“All we can do is bask in the fact that we have managed to bring them all together around this one issue!”
“Patients at Stormont” is on the 10th October, Tuesday next week, and will be supported by the UPA.
To follow Billy’s continuing amazing story, follow his official Facebook page.