Legal Access

Legal Access Where and how to get safe and legal access to medical marijuana around the World United Kingdom Access within the UK is limited to the pharmaceutical cannabis based medicine Sativex. This can only be prescribed to MS sufferers and is at your doctors discretion, so differing postcodes can effect access. It should also be noted that although the NHS in Wales will subsidise…


Cannabinoids How and why this group of compounds is changing the way we think about medicine What are cannabinoids? Cannabinoids are naturally occurring compounds found in the Cannabis sativa plant. Of over 480 different compounds present in the plant, only around 85 are termed cannabinoids. Cannabinoids work by replicating compounds our bodies naturally produce, called endocannabinoids,…

CBD Treats Psychosis With Fewer Side Effects, New Study Finds

CBD Treats Psychosis With Fewer Side Effects, New Study Finds According to a review published in the November issue of the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, non-psychotropic cannabinoid Cananbidiol (CBD) alleviates psychotic symptoms has high potential as an alternative treatment for psychosis. Based on the preclinical and clinical data on the use of CBD as an antipsychotic agent, investigators…

No Link Between Marijuana Usage and Depression

No Link Between Marijuana Usage and Depression Talking about marijuana is tricky. You never know what kind of information will pop up during the conversation. On one hand, marijuana is a heavily under researched drug. On the other hand, the amount of rumors and urban legends that surround marijuana is insane. There are literally thousands of different opinions on marijuana usage and none of…

Colorado Invests In Medical Marijuana Research

Colorado Invests In Medical Marijuana Research Ever since medical marijuana was first introduced to the scene in California, things haven’t exactly been going well. The amount of raids all over Los Angeles has eventually become an example on how not to implement medical marijuana regulations. Because of California’s numerous raids, it seemed that the image of marijuana would remain tarnished…

Facts About Medical Marijuana in the USA

Facts About Medical Marijuana in the USA It’s a cliché to claim that times are changing. However, in the case of medical marijuana, the entire climate that surrounds it seems to be shifting on a daily basis. Numerous research studies have been popping up only to confirm what we have believed all along – that medical marijuana actually works. From a myriad of testimonial, over scientific…

Medical Marijuana On The Job

Medical Marijuana On The Job The wave of medical marijuana legalization is successfully sweeping across the USA. More than 24 states have legalized medical marijuana and five of them gone up the recreational route. That means the District of Columbia, Alaska, Oregon, Washington and Colorado are pretty much dealing with first problems of implementing marijuana rules and regulations. To expect…

Clinical Trials high on list for Medical Marijuana Community

Clinical Trials high on list for Medical Marijuana Community The medical marijuana movement is asking the scientific community to make examining the therapeutic potential of cannabis in much more depth a priority, cannabis experts from North America and the UK declared on 14 February at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in California. But the drug's…

Should autistic children be treated with marijuana?

Should autistic children be treated with marijuana? Some groups of parents and pro-marijuana advocates are calling for cannabis to be considered as a treatment for children and young people with a range of developmental conditions and behavioural issues. A review paper in the Journal of Developmental & Behavioural Paediatrics, authored by experts from Boston Children's Hospital,…

Cannabis Has Been Studied More Than Many FDA Approved Pharmaceuticals

Cannabis Has Been Studied More Than Many FDA Approved Pharmaceuticals Opponents of legalizing cannabis for medicinal purposes are fond of arguing that the plant must be subjected to the same standards of clinical study and FDA review as conventional medicines. What they fail to mention is that cannabis and its active components have already been subjected to a greater degree of scientific…