STUDY: THC May Limit Damage Caused By Heart Attack

STUDY: THC May Limit Damage Caused By Heart Attack A recent study conducted by the Felsenstein Medical Research Center in Israel offered some new evidence of the medical value of Cannabis. The study, published in the Journal of Biochemical Pharmacology, was conducted to determine what effect small amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) has on heart protection. In order to do so, they conducted…

Calls for Compassion in Cannabis Debate

Calls for Compassion in Cannabis Debate The desperate parents of terminally ill children are calling on the Queensland government to show compassion and legalise medicinal cannabis. Mothers who have surveyed Brisbane residents on the issue gathered outside the Queensland Health building on Monday. Rozanne Burley told how medicinal cannabis had improved the quality of life for her teenage…

Epilepsy Cannabidiol Treatment: Doctors Vs. Patients

Epilepsy Cannabidiol Treatment: Doctors Vs. Patients A survey about using marijuana-based treatments appears to have split opinions between people with epilepsy and the doctors who treat them. Specialists warn there is not yet enough evidence to support their use.Read more

THC ‘Reducing Trauma in Brain Injuries’

THC ‘Reducing Trauma in Brain Injuries’ As the green wave of marijuana legalization sweeps across the US, it has become much more lucrative to dive into proper research of medical marijuana. These days we have a research study coming out almost every week unlike before when all we heard every day was a new raid going down somewhere in California. Keep in mind that cannabis was always a very…

Study Suggests Cannabigerol May Prevent Colon Cancer

Study Suggests Cannabigerol May Prevent Colon Cancer Marijuana is a vastly under researched territory. All that we have heard on the topic of medical marijuana in the last twenty years was rarely substantiated by scientific research. There’s a myriad of reasons why that is so, none of which are worth going into detail at this very moment. However, during the last couple of years, medical…

Israel Create World’s First Metered-Dose Medical Marijuana Inhaler

Israel Create World’s First Metered-Dose Medical Marijuana Inhaler Medical cannabis is gaining attention, as its applications and the list of approved medical conditions it treats grow. Some medical professionals are still wary of the drug, however, due to its reputation and inconsistent dosing. Israeli company Syqe (pronounced sy-kee) Medical is doing something about that. Introducing the…

Breaking Down Cannabis and Cancer

Breaking Down Cannabis and Cancer As the laws regarding the use of marijuana begin to change around our nation, and we slowly crawl back out of the dark ages in terms of how the world views this miraculous plant genus, more research is being published showing how the medicinal attributes that it has to offer are apparently endless. But what would have to be established as one of the most…

Switching from Painkillers to Medical Marijuana

Switching from Painkillers to Medical Marijuana It’s been obvious for a while that the human race likes to relieve itself of pain, by pretty much any means necessary. It doesn’t really matter what kind of a prescription drug we are talking about. As long as it does the job, people don’t even care what they’re stuffing down their throats. Naturally, with neglect comes addiction. And then,…

The Effects of Medical Marijuana on PTSD

The Effects of Medical Marijuana on PTSD Medical marijuana has always been a more favourable option when compared with painkillers produced by Big Pharma. The side effects are less harmful, mainly reduced to a serious case of the munchies. Veterans have been reporting that a good nights sleep is something that seemed impossible until they discovered medical marijuana. This isn’t the case just…

Alzheimer’s Worthy Adversary: Cannabis

Alzheimer’s Worthy Adversary: Cannabis Even if you haven’t been following medical marijuana news, you probably heard that marijuana can have some mind blowing effects on patients suffering from debilitating conditions, one of them being Alzheimer’s disease. Read more